I wanted to use a Raspberry Pi to act as a Bluetooth audio receiver or my Hi-Fi so that I could connect a phone/tablet easily to some proper speakers wirelessly. Rather than reinventing the wheel 'kmonkey' has already achieved most of what I set out to do over here ; check this out first. The only issue now is the manual intervention needed to connect up a new Bluetooth source to the output sink. I initially created a simple bash script to poll pulseaudio (every 5 seconds) and run the necessary commands as and when a new device is connected. You can see the script here and all the pertinent commands are explained over in kmonkey's blog. This is all good, but will need to be run manually using something like, # nohup ./bt_audio_attach & This is a bit rubbish and you'll be pleased to know there is a better way to get this done, UDEV! Over at the Raspbery Pi forums there's some discussion on using UDEV scripts to automate this process entirely. Initia